Protecția datelor


Using this website and placing an order on it implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions expressly and exclusively written on the web page S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L may modify these provisions at any time without prior notice.

This section represents the contractual legal regulation of the relationship between the parties (merchant and consumer). According to Art. 1270 of the New Civil Code, the valid contract concluded has the force of law between the contracting parties.

Visitors will have permanent access to the Terms and Conditions for using the site to consult them at any time.

  1. Regulatory framework

The website owned by S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L is subject to the current Romanian legislation, and the relationship between the parties is governed by the following legal acts:

Government Ordinance no. 21/1992 regarding consumer protection;

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014 regarding the rights of consumers in contracts concluded with professionals;

Law no. 363/2007 on combating unfair practices of traders in relation to consumers and harmonizing regulations with European legislation on consumer protection;

Law no. 365/2002 on electronic commerce.

  1. Information regarding the owner and administrator

The website is owned and directly managed by S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L.

The Trade Register number is J28/1637/1994.

The Unique Registration Code is RO 6759221.

  1. Acceptance of the terms of use

The use of the website, logging in, and accessing the services offered represents acceptance by the consumer of the terms and conditions of privacy detailed below, with all the consequences that arise from their acceptance.

If the consumer agrees to these conditions, we request the refusal to use our website or place any orders. S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L reserves the right to update and/or revise the Terms and Conditions displayed on the website at any time without prior notice. Based on this argument, we ask consumers to periodically monitor any changes, at least before placing an order. A primary reason for possible changes is the constant updating of the national legislation related to online commerce and the processing of personal data.

  1. Copyright

The information published on the website belongs to S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L., and therefore, this information cannot be published, transmitted, or copied by any means without the prior written consent of the legal representative of S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L. who administers the site.

Failure to comply with these conditions is punishable according to Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights in force. Any violation of copyright can be reported to the email address

  1. Data protection

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, and Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, the website administered by S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L. has the obligation to administer the personal data provided online or by phone by the consumer in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes.

The purpose of collecting personal data is to use them for billing the ordered products.

The consumer is obliged to provide the real data, which are necessary for creating the invoice for the ordered products, according to the Fiscal Code. Refusal to transmit data or providing incorrect data gives S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L. the right to cancel the order, considered fictitious.

The recorded information is intended for the use of the operator in order to communicate the product price and estimate the delivery price, and is communicated only by the consumer who places a request for an offer on the website According to Law no. 677/2001, the consumer has the right of access, intervention over data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, and the right to address the judiciary. Furthermore, the consumer has the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning them and to request their deletion. If any of the transmitted data is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible. To exercise these rights, you can send a written request to

  1. Disputes

Any dispute arising from the use of this website will be resolved amicably.

If an amicable solution is not possible, alternatively, according to Article 25 of Government Ordinance no. 28/2015 on alternative dispute resolution between consumers and traders, which transposes the provisions of Regulation 524/2013 on online dispute resolution in consumer matters, you can address a Romanian ADR entity.

For any problems arising in the relationship with S.C. POP INDUSTRY S.R.L., we are at your disposal at +40 258 772 950 and

  1. Right to be forgotten

According to Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR), users have the right to be forgotten, meaning to request the deletion of personal data sent with the request for an offer on the website

You can request the right to be forgotten by sending an email to

Your data will be saved for a limited period of 30 days in order to send you the requested offer.

Continuing your action implies agreement with these Terms.